Monday, December 8, 2008

Perfect Time

Can't rely on time, to change the way you feel.
'Cause time it often loses track of who it's gotta heal.
And you can read my palm and tell me that my future looks strong.
And I will play along.
Better that than to wait to prove you wrong.

'Cause it's another overcast day, like it's been for weeks.
And I will blame feeling down on the weather if I had no other reason to be.
People let you down when you least expect them to.
And hearts they move around so fast
and love it somehow gets renewed.

And my state of mind is hiding in the shadow you left behind.
And this song is playing in my head
as you walk away in perfect time.
And you and I are just saving hope
in pockets and up sleeves.
For rainy days when you need it the most, rainy days like these

And my state of mind is hiding in the shadow you left behind.
And this song is playing in my head
as you walk away in perfect time.
But you can't rely on time
to change the way you feel
cause time it often loses track
of who it's gotta heal.

And my state of mind is hiding in the shadow you left behind.
And this song is playing in my head
as you walk away in perfect time.

Jill Barber

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Creating compact discs

Figuratively speaking.  

The best gifts are those straight from the heart.  And what better way to show your hearts desires, or your opinions as to your friends hearts desires, than to make them a CD.  Drawn on by you, selection chosen purposefully by you, and tucked into a tidy little case, packaged with saved magazine cut outs; artsy and crafty.  This is probably a favourite past time of mine, from when mixed tapes were the thing.  Before cassettes, I don't know how people traded music if it wasn't for an entire album.  We were never able to mix records, whatever the width and length that might have been, and eight tracks, try and find me a machine that could record a mixed track on that huge piece of plastic.

My first mixed tape, I don't even remember.  It was most likely a "borrowed" classic from the '80's, one from either of the eldest sisters.  Vividly I recall the feeling upon receiving one of these tokens of friendship.  Describing it as heartfelt journey into a certain unknown, the only words that come to mind, is the best I can do.  A tingling sensation at the core.  Or is that this morning's caffeine?

Compact discs are too easy to create.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  Music in multitude suits me just fine.  And with the making of iPods, I remain in complete harmony (no pun intended) with the state of ease in which to create playlists.  A few songs here, a new artist there, click and drag (this would most likely be the name of my own first album);  my heart's great desire.

So I will continue to put songs together into albums that suit each individual as I know them, and I will be forever content to continue to receive mixed albums from those who choose to label them with my name, the intended giftee.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ship out, relations.

Tuesday, Dec 2nd, 2008 -- The Moon's entry to your 7th House of Relationships can test an active partnership as you or the other person decides that increased freedom is more important than dependence. Needless to say, this is not a typical path to higher levels of intimacy. Just keep in mind that you can create additional breathing room if you increase the rate of personal disclosure.

I'll say.

I'm on the move, but don't know where I want to go.  Life can seem a blunder, where to move, what to own, how much of my soul to put into whatever areas I choose.  I can be really happy.  My heart feels it, my mind knows it, my body just needs to take action.  I read my books and love the home in which I abide so much of the time, but something has to change.  Analysis and overanalysis cause me strife and probably a tumour, so I must 'do'.